Bolivia - Posted On
At last we arrive on the mythic Salar of Uyuni, largest flatland made of salt in the World.
Well, let me tell you that when you arrive on this alter 20 days of horrible dirt and sand road, it’s like paradise.
11am, after a few kilometres, lunch break, I feel a nice northern breeze, neither strong nor light.
Let’s go for it, I unpack the wing, and after a few try, I get on the bike with the wing above. Playing with the brakes, I intend to have the paraglide pulling the bike like a kite would do on the water with a board.
Incredible, I can make it, it’s going on it own, and I don’t even have to paddle!
Suddenly, behind, Nadège shouts at me.
Her axle of the paddle is broken.
The bike can roll, but she cannot paddle anymore. Well, that’s time for adapting the “Fly and Roll” concept to a mechanical obstacle.
We attach a line between our 2 bikes, I take the Alpazone and the wing, and we go like this, my wing pulling Nadège, me, and our 2 bikes together.
Between 22 and 30 km/h for 60 kms of paradise!
We cross the whole Salar without paddling once!
Last minutes of day light, we see nearby the Hotel de Sal, a hotel on the salar made of Salt.
Table, banks, seats, beds, walls, statues, decorations, all is made out of salt.
While we are trying more and more to go, we see two bikers coming towards us.
“- Hello, hello compañeros!”.
While I am controlling my wing, it takes me a few minutes to realize that one of the guy is no other than my friend Geoffray, having waiting for us and deciding to go on his own with an Argentinean biker he met.
So lucky meeting!
At last we will meet in Potosi in a few days. We need time to recover and repair many broken things from our equipment in Uyuni.
We meet there again with Pierre, Gauthier and the happy walkers, while we rediscover the happiness of a shop full of delicious things to eat!
Potosi is one of the major city in the history of South America.
It silver mine has been prospected for 500 years, giving to Spain an incredible amount of wealth, at cost of lives of millions of Amerindian and African slaves.
We visit it and see how the working conditions are still awful, however much better than decades ago.
For us it is also the opportunity to fix the bike of Nadège, this is the reason we went there back and forth by bus from Uyuni.
At last we join our trip with Geoffray and cross again the Salar towards the Isla de Incahuasi and the Volcano Tunupa.