New Caledonia quick stop 1 - Posted On
We get on board of the s/v Odyssey the 23rd of April.
Along with us comes the Talokan, s/v of Patrice, friend of Adrien and Marie.
The first part of the « Odyssey to Vanuatu » takes part through the southern part of the greatest lagoon in the world. For three weeks we take our time wandering through the tiny ‘motu’, islands of the reef, before getting to Vanuatu.
Adrien and Patrice are fond of fishing with spear gun. I got mine as well, very much keen to perfectoinnate. I get my first small fishes when they get numerous big ones… Lobsters get their noses out, too bad for them, they get caught and grilled quickly.
Mato, Kouaré, Redika, bay of Gadgi, Île des pins, and Maré come up as names of our stops along our trek-on-sea.
We are set for three months the four of us together on board. Four individual with strong minds filled with ideas of freedom. Since the start we set up frequent ‘pow pows’ through which feelings of each are expressed, helping a lot for the life on board.
Imagine cruising on pristine green water, stopping on tiny remote islands with coconuts and white sand, coral reef all around full of colourful fishes, and a boat to set free anytime we like!
Maré is the last island before Vanuatu. I see my old friend Yann who settled there some years ago to build a beautiful garden with self-sustainability concepts behind. Bees make the honey; tools help for building furniture, homemade games, and for being creative.
We are now in a bay at Cap Roussin, north of the island, no access by road, and a man, Serge, has built a house here for his old days.
We love sharing time with this example of hermit.