France break - Posted On
The second half of the world tour, the eastern one, will start in a few months. We need to get ready for that.
I hear about a little instrument, quite magic, from what I heard, that works with the sun and as light as a few biscuits. It’s a solar variometer called “Le Bipbip”. When I contact Timothée, the guy who invented it, he replied very shortly being interested in our trip and offers us two Bipip straight away!
More than what could bring the media feedbacks to him, he likes the concept, being himself a skilled ‘flight-bivouac’ pilot. He wants to help us, to dream with us, it’s his way being part of the team.
I like that. I found out our sponsors are all addicted to passion. They don’t think very much about what we can bring back, they rather help a project in which they recognize the adventurer they are. That gives me a true willing to give them back. Our relationships with the sponsors are bright clear and clean. And now comes the time we can start giving back. Some magazines are interested by our pictures and story. We can show what we believe in and who those persons in the background are who helped us since the beginning.
Timothée is a bit apart. I find a young electronic engineer who developed it product in his tiny apartment. A bit of welding, of ingenious ideas conducted to a very small variometer working with a solar cell extremely sensible, actually the best ever made! And as he is not a company, because he works alone, the price for it is half of the similar products on the market. Now he sells 5 to 10 a day, he’s already thinking about quitting his job for working full time for himself. As a final thing he received the ‘Jean Pierre Mouligné’ prize at the last Coupe Icare, granting him for the most ingenious thing made this year in the paragliding world! Congratulations Timothée!