New Zealand part I - Posted On
Nadège leaves to Coromandel hitchhiking her way down.
I keep on going on my own, the bike heavily loaded. I am getting some trouble with my back wheel, having so much weight on it not being great for it. The cones are getting worn out, meaning the hub body is next on the list. I really must get that hub bearing fixed, any kilometers makes it worse. Fortunately a very nice bikeshop man, (ad) ‘Franx’ in Warkworth (end of ad), set it up so that it won’t get worse, even though I still have to change the cones. I carry on my way.
Auckland finds me really happy, I get hosted by Jamie, a randomly met race biker on the road that makes his long way home to work every day either biking or … rowing (20km)!
From there, Coromandel is a matter of two days riding. I get hosted by a
professional maori Rugby player who shows me a ‘sacred’ cultural side
of Aotearoa New Zealand.
When I get to Coromandel peninsula, in Micha and Sabine’s house,
memories rush back in my mind from six years earlier. they are my
twistyfriend’s parents.