Kites tests in Geelong

Australia - Posted On

 Leaving Melbourne alone, I join Seb already in Geelong a day of riding away. This starts a brand new way of travelling, without Nadège. I have to learn again how to achieve things on my own and to cop with her not being around.

Geelong is the entry gate of the famous Great Ocean Road, hundreds of miles where the mountains meet the sea. It is also home of Goshen, professional Ozone land kite rider who helps us a lot by hosting us, and then in getting ready with our idea of kite biking. 

The following is for technical kite geeks only:

We mount our Nasa wings on a lightweight carbon bar, four lines, attached to a simple harness made of a strap turned around our body, or attached to our Kortel paragliding harness. Of course we keep a quick release system for safety. We test them in a large short grass paddock and then on the road, the low friction system with the bicycle shows incredible speed for how small the wings are! Lucky we have good breaks! Testing shows that long lines (17m) are more powerful and easier to navigate, but longer to get them ready, while shorter lines (halving=9m or double halving=5m them) offers an easier set up, less power, and less angle to tack into the wind. Therefore we’ll use long lines when there would be no obstacles like trees or traffic and short lines when there would be many stops that make us packing and unpacking often to pass these obstacles.

Our final choice goes to a set of 2.5m2 and 4.5m2 offering us a good range of wind rideable. But we keep ‘Yoda’ a tiny 1.5m2 just in case… The angle tested was 45° with front and tail wind, but was obviously best with 90°angle wind.