Getting ready for the second half.

France break - Posted On

Nadège writes:

By going back to France for six months, we thought it would be more than enough time to get ready for the second part of our travel. Meaning one month only before leaving France, we started working on the project. But 15 days after, we realise that we have more and more things to do: contact with new sponsors, selecting new gears, finding the best price, fixing broken gear… Every day, we wake up at 6am, go to bed at 10pm, phones and computers keep working all day. 

IT’S TOO MUCH !! We decide to postpone our plane ticket for 3 weeks later. 

Ouf!!! But, a little bit less stress we keep working hard until the end. 

As a conclusion, you never get fully ready for a big project but keep in mind that the most important is the first step!!