
France break - Posted On

Nadège writes:

In order to get rid of the usual ‘Tour de France of the friends’, mainly experienced by expatriated people when they come back for holiday, we offered to everyone to come and share time together in the most beautiful spot in the world, commonly known as being Champébran, hooked on the side of the deep abyssal valley of La Bérarde, Ecrins.

We are very happy to see most of our friends coming. This group of 5 to 15 of the people I like the most have pushed their motivation to adopt our lifestyle in some way. We went for a good walk nearly every day. Among them, naturalists, ornithologists, fishermen, and other geologists have sublimated each of our days. By the end of the day, legs tired by the mountains, huge banquets took place near the usual fireplace, always ready for good cooking and yummy wines. French, so much of a French happiness really was shown here.

By the end of our 15-days stay, less people and our better shape moved us toward a project “flight-trek-biv”. Three days around the Lac de la Muzelle and the Lac du Lauvitel gave us 2000m of climbing and as much of flight down the Valley of Venosc. 

It’s such a good thing for the trekker to have extra wings in the backpack!